L ARRY ’ S B OAT AND ATV R EPAIR Locally Owned & Operated Since 1997 O VER 50 YEARS OF E XPERIENCE Full Service Boat Repair Wakeboards • Ski Boats T UNE U PS - E NGINE - O VERHAUL W INTERIZATION - B OAT A CCESSORIES B OAT S TORAGE - S HRINK W RAPPING A VAILABLE Special Orders Welcomed
Boat Storage LARRY'S BOAT & ATV REPAIR 555 S 500 West Wellington ......................... 637–3304 Bookkeeping Service Jamie's Hometown Taxes 161 E 100 North Back Entrance Price............ 637–6611 Boutique Items-Retail Apple Country Crafts 19 E Main Price ............... 637–3529 Naturally Inspired 1179 E Main Price................ 637–5933 Boutique Items-Whol & Mfrs One Stop Boutique 441 Hwy 123 Sunnyside ..... 888–6477 Bowling GATEWAY LANES YOUTH & ADULT LEAGUES - OPEN BOWLING BUMPER BOWLING - BIRTHDAY PARTIES FAMILY REUNIONS & COMPANY PARTIES SNACK BAR - AUTOMATIC SCORING Open 7 Days Noon To 11pm • Summer Closed Sundays STATE-OF-THE-ART SYNTHETIC LANES 94 S Main Helper........................................ 472-5015 Olsson Country Lanes 1633 N Carbonville Rd Helper......................... 637–7203 Brake Service John's Auto-Tech & Tire 504 E Main Price........ 637–8120 Tire King 535 E Main Price................................. 637–8473 Breweries & Brew Pubs Tipsy Tavern 189 N Carbonville Rd Carbonville.................... 637–9831 Bridal Registries Oliveto Fine Gifts & Furnishings 48 E Main Price................................................ 637–1927 Building Contractors B Hansen Construction Inc 1292 E Main Wellington ................................... 637–7438 C & C Improvement Co 1833 W 4200 North Spring Glen..................... 472–3542 Integrated Energy 313 S 200 West Price.......... 637–4583 Schmitz Construction 1116 W 1500 North Carbonville...................... 637–5097 If candlewax gets on carpet, use a warm iron placed on double-thick paper towels and iron it off. The paper towels
555 S 500 W • Wellington, UT
Beer & Ale-Whol
Bowtie Beverage Inc 1440 E Main Wellington.. 637–5279 Beverages-Retail Pepsi Cola Company Of Price 334 S 400 East Price ....................................... 637–0062 Swire Coca Cola Co Of Price 215 E 1850 South Price ................................... 637–3105 Bicycles-Dealers Compass Gear 82 N 100 West Price ................. 637–2453 Bicycles-Parts & Supplies-Whol & Mfrs EXT-USA 259 N Main St Helper .......................... 472–4556 Blinds-Cleaning & Repair CLEANTECH CLEANING & RESTORATION LLC 150 S 700 East Price ................................... 650–1933 Blinds-Venetian, Vertical, Mini, Etc. CHERYL’S WINDOW DESIGNS Residential • Commercial We offer a wide variety of window coverings at a low price. Blinds • Shades • Shutters www.cherylswindowdesigns.com 4663 N Spring Glen Rd Helper........... 435 650-4202 Boat Repairing Larry's Boat & ATV Repair 555 S 500 West Wellington ............................. 637–3304 See Our Display Ad This Page If you have pots that have blackened because you boiled water in them, fill the pots with water and add 2 denture tablets. Let them soak overnight. The pot should be clean in the morning. Wash before using.
will absorb the melted wax. Keep repeating until the wax is gone.
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