Concrete Contractors
Dentists Advertisers in this heading and subsequent Dentist headings may be required to comply with various li- censing and certification requirements in order to be listedunder aspecificpracticearea, and thepublisher does not and cannot guarantee that each advertiser has complied with those requirements. For more in- formation, contact the advertiser or the appropriate trade organization or regulatory agency. Big Springs Dental Clinic 115 Walnut St Ellington.......... 663–3177 PRYOR FAMILY DENTAL
R & R Concrete 235 Clark St Ellington............................ 663–2195 Concrete-Ready Mixed RMC LLC 550 Highway 21 Ellington ................................. 663–7744 Contractors-General Grant Steve Construction 858 County Road 564 Van Buren ................................. 945–2344 OSI CONSTRUCTION Call ............................. 776–3698 Quadri H R Construction 73039 Highway 21 Van Buren ...................................... 945–2224 Fax Line .......................................................................... 945–2226 Convalescent Care & Homes > SeeNursingHomes Convenience Stores Don's Place 107 Highway Y Ellington............................... 663–2888 Twin Pines One Stop 73036 Highway 21 Van Buren ...... 945–2466 Counselors-Marriage, Family, Child & Individual Family Counseling Center 315 E Walnut St Ellington ..... 663–2644 Shelter Hotline Ellington ................................................... 663–2720 County Offices > SeeGovernmentOffices-County Day Spas
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SpaZa Day Spa 165 Temple Ave Ellington ....................... 663–7145
Musty suitcases can be freshened by balling up
some newspapers and placing inside the suitcase for a few days or until you use it again. After you remove the newspaper, put some fabric softener sheets inside the suitcase to keep it smelling nice.
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