General Business Service • Tariffs • Bills • Charges
Tariffs And Rules Cal-Ore’s current tariffs, on file with the California Public Utilities Commission, and consumer pro tection rules for telephone service and facili ties are available for public inspection in our Business Office. Payment Of Telephone Bills All telephone bills are mailed on approximate ly the first of the month. Bills are due upon presentation and are delinquent fifteen days thereafter. Delinquent accounts will be advised of a disconnect date by means of a “Temporary Disconnect” notice. Late Payment Charge A late payment charge is applicable if payment is not received in our office by the 15th of every month. The late payment charge of 1.5% will be applied to an unpaid balance of $5.00 or more, with a minimum of $0.30. Neither the billing or payment of late charges relieves the customer of the obligation to pay all charges prior to the due date of the bill. Failure to pay charges (i.e., basic flat rate sin gle line service charges including all mandated surcharges and taxes) may result in a discon nection of telephone service. Basic Service is defined in D. 96-10-066, Appendix B, page 5. Other services, such as the ability to make toll calls, may be restricted if not paid. Optional services may be disconnected. If service is disconnected for non-payment, a reconnection charge and/or applicable deposit If you have a question or complaint about your service or billing, please call the customer service number on your telephone bill, 530 397-2211. If you do not receive a satisfactory response from us, you may call the California Public Utilities Commission’s toll-free callback number for assistance: 1-800-649-7570 (M-F 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM) Or (415) 703-4973 will be required to restore service. Disputed Telephone Bills
To avoid having your service discontinued, deposit the disputed amount of the bill, along with an explanation of the dispute, to: California Public Utilities Commission Consumer Affairs Branch State Office Building 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room F2003 San Francisco, CA 94102-3298 The Commission will review the basis of the billed amount and make disbursements in accordance with its findings. Interstate Access Charges The Federal Communications Commission is responsible for authorizing interstate access charges. Any questions regarding the interstate access charge portion of your bill should be directed to: Federal Communications Commission Universal Lifeline telephone service is a discounted telephone service available only to qualified res idence customers. You qualify for this service if: 1. Your total household gross income is no greater than $26,400 for one to two per sons. A sliding scale of income eligibility is used for households with more than two persons. 2. You have only one telephone line to your home, and you receive Lifeline service only at your principal place of residence. 3. You are not claimed as a dependent on another person’s income tax return. For certification forms and details, please call your local Business Office. Common Carrier Bureau Consumer Complaints 445 12th Street S.W. Washington, D.C. 20554 (1) 888-225-5322 Universal Lifeline Telephone Service
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