
Cal-Ore Telephone Co. Consumer Information

Notice To Subscribers The Cal-Ore Telephone Co. has tariff rules dealing with the limitation of its liability in connection with errors and omissions relating to telephone service. These rules do not apply to situations involving willful misconduct, fraudulent conduct or violations of law. There are special provisions dealing with gross negligence. If an error or omis sion has been made by Cal-Ore Telephone Co. in your listing in the telephone directory, you may be entitled to a relief under these tariff provisions. In many instances you may be eligible for credit allowance in accordance with tariff rules. This information notice summarizes the provisions of such rules. For complete information on the tariff provisions, please contact the Cal-Ore Telephone Co. business office. Thereafter, if you wish further information, you may call the California Public Utilities Commission in San Francisco or Los Angeles. The purpose of telephone utility credit allowances and limitation of liability rules is to relate the telephone company’s responsibility for errors or interruptions to amounts not to exceed the pro rata charges for services rendered. The basic rule applicable to all telephone services is as follows: Except as provided in Sections (1) and (2) of this rule, the liability of the utility for damages arising out of mistakes, omissions, interrup tions, delays, errors or defects in any of the services of facilities fur nished by the utility (including exchange, toll, private line, supplemen tal equipment, TWX, directory and all other services) shall in no event exceed an amount equal to the pro rata charges to the customer for the period during which the services or facilities are affected by the mistake, omission, interruption, delay, error or defect. The specific form of rule applicable to interruption in exchange telephone service are as follows: The utility shall allow, for interruptions in exchange telephone ser vice of 24 hours or more not due to conduct of the customer, an amount equal to the fixed monthly charges for exchange service multiplied by the ration of the days of interruption to thirty days. When interruptions continue beyond 24 hours, credit allowances will be given in successive 24-hour multiples. Similar but not identical provisions apply to private line and other telephone services. For details or provisions covering allowances for interruptions in such other services you should call the Cal-Ore Telephone Co. business office. For errors or omissions in listings or advertisements in telephone directories, allowances are provided as follows: For listings in the telephone directories furnished without addi tional charge, an amount not in excess of the minimum monthly charge to the customer for exchange service during the effective life of the directory in which the error or omission occurred. For listings in telephone directories furnished at additional charge, an amount not in excess of the charge for the listing during the effective life of the directory in which the error or omission occurred. For advertisement in classified directories, an amount based upon pro rata abatement for the charge in such degree as the error or omission affected the advertisement. For information on allowances available in the event of errors or omissions in information records or in TWX or other special directo ries, you should contact the Cal-Ore Telephone Co. business office. Consumer Information DEFINITION OF NONPUBLISHED SERVICE: Upon a subscriber’s request, subscriber name, address, and telephone number are not listed in any telephone directory, street address directory, or in the directory assistance records available to the general public.

Agencies authorized to receive nonpublished information (name, address, and telephone number) and credit information, under Ordering paragraph 4. a: CITY DEPARTMENTS: Fire, Police, State Police, Organized crime and criminal intelligence, Branch of the Department of Justice, Enforcement and Investigation Branch of the Department of Justice, Wildlife protections Board of the Dept. of Fish and Game, Arson Investigation Unit of the Dept. of Forestry, Dept. of Health; FEDERAL: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Attorney, United States Marshal, Secret Service, U.S. Postal Inspection Service. PROCEDURE FOR RELEASE OF NONPUBLISHED INFORMATION TO AUTHORIZED AGENCIES: Nonpublished information can be released to the above authorized agencies upon the agency’s written request containing the name, status, and the telephone number, of the person making the (agency’s) request, or in an emergency upon a telephone request followed within two days with a letter con firming the request; all information shall be furnished by the utility on a call-back basis. Such nonpublished information shall not be furnished unless the head of the authorized agency has provided the telephone utility with the name of the person responsible for requesting and receiving such information. RELEASE OF INFORMATION REQUEST TO NONPUBLISHED SUBSCRIBERS: Notification in writing to the nonpublished sub scriber of the requesting agency and the information disclosed shall be made within thirty days by the utility. RETENTION OF RECORDS: All written documents pertaining to nonpublished service shall be retained by the utility for a period of not less than one year. In future contracts for nonpublished ser vice between the subscriber and the telephone company, a cur rent listing of authorized agencies having access to nonpublished information must be included, along with the rules promulgated herein for nonpublished service. PROCEDURE FOR RELEASE OF CREDIT INFORMATION AND CALLING RECORDS: Subscriber credit information (including but not limited to can-be-reached number and address, account estab lished date, and name of employer) and all calling records shall be released only upon receipt of legal process (including search warrants, subpoenas, summons, and court orders), except where credit information is requested by an authorized agency shall furnish the utility, within two days of the request, certification under penalty of perjury that such an emergency existed at the time of the original request. All such information shall be furnished on a call-back basis. RELEASE OF INFORMATION REQUESTS TO SUBSCRIBER: Notification in writing to the subscriber of the requesting agency and the credit or calling records information released shall be made within thirty days by the utility unless the requesting agen cy certifies under penalty of perjury that such notification would jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation. RETENTION OF RECORDS: Records or requests for credit infor mation and toll records, other than from utility’s employees, shall be retained for a period of not less than one year from the date or receipt of such request. EXCEPTION TO PROCEDURE FOR RELEASE OF CREDIT INFORMATION AND TOLL RECORDS: The procedure set forth above does not apply where the requestor is a collection agency working for the utility on the subscriber’s account or is an Independent Telephone Company desiring information for the same purpose. TOLL RECORDS - FBI EXCEPTION: Toll records may be released to the FBI without legal process where U.S. Attorney General has indicated in writing that the national security is involved.


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