Refrigeration Service
Brrrrr Refrigeration Naknek ............................................. 246–4084 STAY COOL REFRIGERATION LLC
COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP SERVICES PROP, IMPELLER & SHAFT REPAIR STEEL & ALUM. FABRICATION LOCATED AT LEADER CREEK IN NAKNEK Naknek ............................................................. 246-4229 WEST COAST PROPELLER SERVICE OF ALASKA PROPELLERS & SHAFTS SALES • REPAIRS • REPITCHING JOHN & STEVE KALANDER - OWNERS 800-478-4777 ALASKA ONLY 800-858-7767 NATIONWIDE 41871 Kachemak Dr Homer ...................... 907 235-3737 Public Administrators Aleknagik City Of ........................................................................................ 842–5953 Or.................................................................................... 842–2528 Fax .................................................................................. 842–2107 EMS/Fire Chief............................................................... 842–1731
Integrated Marine Systems RSW Dealer
Naknek ............................................................. 246-4450 Cell ......................................................... 907 469-0709 Marine Refrigeration Sales, Installation & Service Commercial Refrigeration, Sales, Installation & Service staycoolpete@gci.net
Refrigerators & Freezers-Service & Repair
Stay Cool Refrigeration LLC Naknek ................................ 246–4450 Rental Service Stores & Yards Alaska Eagle Eye King Salmon ......................................... 246–2277 Rentals-Equipment ALASKA EAGLE EYE On Your Way In Bristol Bay Car & Truck Rental Heavy Equipment & Tool Rental Bristol Bay’s Premier Car Rental Courtesy Pick Up Available www.alaskaeagleeye.com alaskaeagleeyellc@gmail.com 907-246-CARS (2277) King Salmon ............................................ 907 246-2277 Resorts Antlers Inn King Salmon ................................................... 246–8525 Restaurants Bailey's ............................................................................... 842–2820 Bayside Diner..................................................................... 842–1013 D & D Restaurant Naknek ................................................ 246–4430 Sockeye Saloon King Salmon ............................................ 246–6676 Windmill Grille ................................................................... 842–1205 Retirement & Life Care Communities & Homes If you have pots that have blackened because you boiled water in them, fill the pots with water and add 2 denture tablets. Let them soak overnight. The pot should be clean in the morning. Wash before using. Rescare Homecare ............................................................ 842–1466
Radio Direction Finders > SeeMarineEquipmen&t Supplies
Radio Stations & Broadcasting Companies
Bay Broadcasting Naknek............................................................................ 246–7492 Fax Line .......................................................................... 246–7462 KDLG Radio Station ........................................................... 842–5281 Rape Crisis Centers
> SeeCrisis InterventionService Rape & Sexual Abuse > SeeCrisis InterventionService
Real Estate All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Fed eral Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to adver tise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination be cause of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination." We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real es tate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Buyer's Real Estate ........................................................... 842–4515 Recreation Centers Iliaska Environmental LLC Igiugig.................................... 533–3260 King Salmon Gym King Salmon ........................................ 246–7069 Candles will last a lot longer if placed in the freezer for at least 3 hours prior to burning.
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