Consumer Information
New Service Bristol Bay Telephone Cooperative, Inc. is owned by its members. When you begin service with us you become a member/owner. As member/owner you have a voice in your Cooperative. You will be able to vote at the Annual Meeting for Board Members, discuss issues and benefit from the services that Bristol Bay Telephone Cooperative, Inc. brings to you at the lowest possible cost. If you wish to have a telephone installed, equipment moved, or to make a change in your service, please stop by or call our Business Office. You may also e-mail us at bbtccsr@bristolbay.com or visit our website at bristolbay.com . Bills for Service Bills are mailed on the first business day of the month. Telephone, cable and Internet services are billed one month in advance. Miscellaneous charges, such as advertising fees, repairs, etc., are billed after work has been completed. Payment Due Date Payment is due on or before the 25th of the month. Please note: If the 25th falls on a holiday or weekend, payment is due on the last business day prior to the 25th. Changes to Service All changes, except termination of service and disconnection of features, require a service charge. The amount you are charged depends on the type of change requested. Contact the Business Office for details. Delinquent Accounts If your bill is not paid by the 25th of the month, your account becomes past due, and a late fee of .087% per month on the unpaid balance will be charged to your account. If your account To Apply for New or Changed Service
remains past due for 10 days, the Cooperative may start procedures for disconnection for non-payment. This includes a written 10-day notice and a $10 late letter charge. To have your service restored, you will be required to pay a reconnection fee plus the outstanding bill in full. A deposit may also be required. Returned Checks A $20 fee will be charged to your account for a check that is returned for insufficient funds. Collection of Past Due Accounts Accounts that are disconnected for non-payment may be turned over to a collection agency. You Have the Right to... Obtain information about telephone rates, policies and services. All applicable rates and regulations for telephone service and facilities are available for public inspection at the Business Office in King Salmon. BBTC Customer Service Representatives are available to answer your questions about services and charges. You Have a Responsibility to..... Be careful about who you allow to use your phone. If telephone service is in your name, you are responsible for all calls made from your phone, including long distance calls, regardless of who places the call. 10-Digit Mandatory Dialing 10-Digit Dialing Requirement started April 24, 2021. Alaska implemented a 10-digit dialing requirement (area code + telephone number) for all local calls. After October 24, 2021, you MUST dial 10 digits. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted 988 as a new three-digit number to be used nationwide to reach the National Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Crisis Lifeline, starting July 16, 2022. Customers must continue to dial 1-800-273- TALK to reach the Lifeline until July 16, 2022. *Note: Remember to program your devices to dial the 10-digit number.*
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