Telephone Trouble
Indoor Testing – To see if the problem is in your telephone or wall jack: 1. Check each telephone to be sure that a receiver is not off the hook. 2. Check both ends of your handset cord and wall cord to make sure they are plugged in tight and that there are no loose connections or exposed or frayed wires. 3. Take the phone to a neighbor’s house to see if it works there. 4. If you have a cordless phone, unplug its telephone cord and its electric cord. Then check other phones in the house that are not cordless to see if they work. 5. Take a working telephone to each phone jack to see if you can hear dial tone. Outdoor Testing – To see if dial tone is coming to your house: 1. Take a working telephone outdoors to the Telephone Network Interface (TNI) box. This is a grey or beige box on the outside of your house where the telephone wires enter the building. Use a screwdriver to open the box. (See figure 1.) 2. Unplug the cord from the test jack and plug in your telephone there. (See figure 2.) 3. If you do not hear dial tone, the trouble is the responsibility of the telephone company. Call the Business Office to report the trouble. The repairs will be made at no charge to you. 4. If you hear dial tone, you may assume that the problem is in your inside wiring. You may attempt to fix the problem yourself, hire someone to do it for you, or call the telephone company to fix it. We will charge you for labor and materials.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
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