Telephone Trouble
Hello......Hello?.... Why Doesn’t My Phone Work? Problems with your phone service can be caused by several different things. The problem could be in our lines or switch, OR it could be a problem with your wiring or one of your phones. When you call the office with a problem, we will do our best to find and clear the trouble. If it is in our switch or buried cable, there will be no charges to repair (unless, of course, you dug in the ground without requesting a locate and hit the cable). If the trouble is with your inside wiring or one of your jacks or phones, you will be charged for the work we do. To save yourself time and costly repair charges, we encourage you to attempt to isolate problems before calling for repairs (see next page).
Telephone Jack
Test Point Network Interface/ Protector
Telephone Inside Wiring
Outside Buried Telephone Service Wire
Telephone Wiring and Equipment Repair – Federal deregulation of inside wire and jacks requires customers to assume responsibility for the maintenance and repair of all
“inside” wiring. Inside wiring includes any telephone wiring, either inside or outside of your home or business, which runs from the Telephone Network Interface (TNI) to your telephone jacks or equipment. The TNI is usually located outside of your building in a single family home or single business location, and inside of your building in a multi-family dwelling or multi-business location, such as an apartment or an office building.
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