Light Companies > SeeElectirc Light& Power Companies
Best Western New Baltimore Inn Rt 9 W New Baltimore............................. 518–731–8100 Martin's Motel 2440 US Rt 9W Ravena ..... 518–756–7677 Motor-Homes-Retail > SeeRecreationaVlehicles-Dealers Motorcycles & Motor Scooters-Dealers Matt's Honda Kawasaki & Polaris 257 Mansion Coxsackie............................ 518–731–8118 Motorcycles & Motor Scooters- Repairing & Service Satan Cycles 16 W Shore St Ravena ......... 518–756–5700 Museums Greene County Historical Society Rte 9 W Coxsackie ................................... 518–731–6490 Nursery Schools > SeeChildCareCenters;Schools-Pre-Sch&ooEllementayr (Academic) Office Machines Automatic Equipment Service 5 Orchard Av Ravena ............................... 518–756–7827 Or ............................................................... 518–756–7829 Oil Change & Lube Luxury Oil Express 382 Mansion Coxsackie............................ 518–731–6856 Oils-Fuel ALBRIGHT C A & SONS LLC Family Owned & Operated Since 1911
Limousine Service
Classic Luxury Limousine Svc 382 Mansion St West Coxsackie ............. 518–731–9529 Liquor Stores Bottle & Cork Of NY LLC 11834 Rte 9W West Coxsackie ............... 518–731–1050 Southgate Wine & Liquor Ltd 2546 US Rte 9W Ravena ......................... 518–756–2081 Loans National Bank Of Coxsackie 3-7 Reed Coxsackie .................................. 518–731–6161 Rte 9 W West Coxsackie ......................... 518–731–6141 Faith Plaza Ravena ................................... 518–756–7100 Or ............................................................... 518–756–2185 Lumber-Retail G N H Lumber Inc Norton Hill.................... 518–966–5333 Lumber Treating Northeast Treaters Of New York 796 Schoharie Tpke Athens ..................... 518–945–2660 Northeast Treaters Of New York 796 Schoharie Tpke Athens ..................... 518–945–2662 Marinas Shady Harbor Holding 70 Shady Harbor Dr New Baltimore....... 518–756–8001 Fax Line ..................................................... 518–756–8002 Massage Massage And Therapies Unlimited 32 Hope Plaza Rte 9W West Coxsackie................................................... 518–731–2644 Modular Homes-Dealers Wolfe Modular Homes Inc 16 Hope Plaza West Coxsackie ............... 518–731–7574 Monuments TAYLOR'S MONUMENT CO INC 13199 Rte 9W Hannacroix................. 518–756–3530 Monuments-Cleaning Taylor's Monument Co Inc 13199 Rte 9W Hannacroix....................... 518–756–3530 Mortgage Insurance Program > SeeInsuar nce
• Fuel Oil Delivery • Low Prices • Quality Fuel • On / Off Road Fuels • Kerosene • Residential & Commercial
13640 Rte 9 W Hannacroix ................ 518 756-3127
Collins & Son Inc 898 SR 143 Ravena....... 518–756–2070 MOR-POWR FUEL 11683 Rt 9W West Coxsackie ........... 518–731–2616 Persico Oil Co Inc 98 Main St Ravena ...... 518–756–2555
To clean and sharpen your garbage disposal... make ice cubes using equal parts water and vinegar. When frozen, drop them into the disposer when it is running. Follow up with a couple of slices of lemon, then rinse well.
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