Attorneys Advertisers in this headingmay be required to comply with various licensing and certification requirements in order to be listed under a specific practice area, and the publisher does not and cannot guarantee that each advertiser has complied with those require- ments. For more information, contact the advertiser or the appropriate trade organization or regulatory agency. The choice of a lawyer is an important deci- sion and should not be based solely on adver- tisements. BILL GORDON & ASSOCIATES .... 855–738–4128 See Our Display Ad This Page
Attorneys-Social Security Matters See disclaimer at beginning of Attorneys heading. BILL GORDON & ASSOCIATES
Make a paste out of white corn meal and white vinegar. Coat the tarnished brass with this paste and leave on for five minutes. Wipe off with a soft clean cloth and tarnish will be gone. Buff with a soft clean cloth.
Toll Free Dial “1” &Then............................. 855 738-4128
Burglar Alarm Systems & Monitoring SECURE AT HOME ............................... 855–738–4126 See Our Display Ad This Page
To keep batteries fresh during long term storage... place them in a plastic bag and store them in the refrigerator.
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