Using Your Services
Note: • Dial the number exactly as if you are calling directly. For a local number, dial the 7-digit phone number. For a long distance number, dial “1” plus the area code. Or if you have speed calling, you may dial one of your codes instead. • Service will not work concurrently with voicemail service. Remote Access to Call Forwarding From any location –– turn on, turn off, or change your forwarding number. How it works: You can use a touch-tone telephone at another location to change your Call Forwarding on your home or business phone. To access your telephone’s Call Forward service remotely: 1. Lift the handset of any touch-tone phone and listen for dial tone. 2. Dial the Call Forwarding access number XXX - (your prefix) - 5900: _____________________________ . 3. Centrex subscribers (only): Dial the Call Forwarding access number XXX - (your prefix) - 9500. 4. After the line rings, dial your ten-digit phone number that has Call Forwarding service. 5. Dial your Personal Identification Number (PIN) _____________________________then press # . 6. You are now ready to change your Call Forwarding.
Delayed Call Forwarding Whenever you can’t answer, forward your calls to someone who can. How it works: If you can’t get to the phone, you can be sure that your calls won’t go unanswered. You can easily change the forwarding number. To “turn on” the service: 1. Lift the handset and listen for dial tone. 2. Press *92. 3. Listen for the confirmation tone, followed by dial tone. 4. Dial the number where you want your calls forwarded. (Dial the number you wish to forward to exactly as if you are calling directly.) 5. You’ll hear a confirmation tone, followed by dial tone, to let you know Delayed Call Forwarding is in effect. To “turn off” the service: 1. Lift the handset and listen for dial tone. 2. Press *93. 3. Listen for the confirmation tone, followed by dial tone, then hang up. Your Delayed Call Forwarding is now “off.” To change the “forward to” number: 1. Turn off Delayed Call Forwarding (see directions above). 2. Repeat the steps above to turn on Delayed Call Forwarding, entering the new “forward to” number.
Proceed with one of the four Call Forwarding functions: Call Forwarding, Busy Call Forwarding, Delayed Call Forwarding and Selective Call Forwarding.
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