Long Distance Calling
Service Areas California is divided into ten telephone service areas (also known as LATAs). Ponderosa’s service area is called the Los Angeles Service Area, which includes the 760 area code territory. Service Area Toll Calls Calls between any two points in the Los Angeles Service Area other than local calls. These calls are chargeable.
Within Your Service Area: To place a Direct-Dial Call: • Within the 760 area, dial:
1 + area code + the telephone number
• Outside the 760 area, dial:
1 + area code + the telephone number
OR • Dial the access code of any long distance company you want to use for local and service area toll calls, and then the number you are calling. Note: The charges for calls completed by a long distance company may differ by company. Outside Your Service Area Equal Access Dialing: Long distance companies are participating in “Equal Access,” a program which allows you to choose which long distance company will handle your 1 + long distance calls outside your service area.
Operator Assisted Calls Long distance calls requiring an Operator are more expensive than dial direct or calling card calls. Types of operator-assisted calls: • Collect Calls • Conference Calls
• Person - to - Person • Station - to - Station • Third Number Calls • Time and Charges
• Some Calling Card Charges To place an operator-assisted call: 0 + area code + telephone number
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