Cima, CA-2019




Internet Access Providers ALL AMERICAN DISH ........................ 855–747–4990 See Our Display Ad This Page BEST SATELLITE

Internet-Marketing Services DPS MEDIA Toll Free Dial 1 & Then...... 866–221–4300 Lawyers > SeeAttorneys Long Distance Telephone Services PONDEROSA LONG DISTANCE PO Box 21 O'Neals ...................................... 800–682–1878 See Our Display Ad Page 10

Got a scratch on your car? Cover it with a matching crayon. Find a crayon the same color as your car and rub the crayon over the scratched place. Buff off any wax residue with a soft cloth.

BEST SATELLITE .............................. 844–481–7797

BEST SATELLITE ................................... 844–481–7797 See Our Display Ad This Page

To clean cloudy drinking glasses... soak them for an hour in warm (not boiled) white vinegar. Then, use a plastic scrubber to remove the film.

This will even work on keyed scratches.

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