
Helpful Information

The Monthly Charges To fully understand your monthly statement, it is important to know why the charges are appearing on your bill and where the funds go that are collected each month. The monies are collected for federal and state funds and programs which help provide affordable and competitive telephone service for everyone. Funds help offset the cost of providing these services in rural areas, help schools, libraries and health care centers obtain advanced services such as Internet access, and for funding relay centers and special equipment that help assist hearing and speech-impaired persons to communicate over the national network. Other taxes fund emergency services when you need to dial 9-1-1 within the State of California and the county in which you live. As both a local and long distance telecommunications provider, Ponderosa does not keep the monies collected each month for federal and state funded programs but is regulated by both the State of California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to pass on these funds to the various agencies and programs established to provide telephone service to everyone. Ponderosa does receive a set percentage of some of these funds to help recover some of its costs in providing these services to you. The pool of monies collected and the percentage that are dispersed to the telecommunications providers (both local and long distance providers) are regulated by the appropriate governmental agencies.

Public Telephones Instructions are posted on or near telephone instruments. Please report any service difficulties or coin collection error to the operator. A charge will not be made on calls which are not completed. Rules, Regulations and Tariffs Copies of our rules, regulations and schedule of rates are available at our Customer Care Center and are open to public inspection. They are also on file with the California Public Utilities Commission or the Federal Communications Commission. We are required to charge the rates that are listed in our tariffs. While our rates and charges are usually quoted accurately by our customer care representatives, please be advised that if the quoted rate and tariff are conflicting, the tariff rate will be charged.

Helpful Information for Understanding Your Monthly Telephone Bill

Ponderosa would like customers to have the most current information available on all aspects of their telephone service. To assist you in being an educated consumer, we have compiled descriptions of the federal and state regulated charges you see on your bill each month. If you have more questions after reviewing this information, please call our Customer Care Center.


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