Cheyenne, OK-2019-Archive
Direct Distance Dialing For your long distance needs
With Direct Distance Dialing, you can dial most station-to-station long distance calls. To make Direct Distance Dialing possible, the United States has been divided into numerous geographic areas. Each area has its own three-digit area code. You can obtain the area code of the place you are calling by calling the operator for the area code or looking up on the Internet. You can dial direct to any telephone with an area code plus the seven digit number. How To Dial From All Telephones Except Pay Phones First, get the correct local number and the area code of the person you want to call. For Station-To-Station Calls, Dial 1 + area code + telephone number For International Calls Many International calls can be dialed direct by dialing 011 + County Code + City Code + Local Number. How To Dial For Information On Numbers* If you do not have the number of the person in your local area, dial 1 + 411. Or, dial 1 + area code + 555-1212 for long distance information of the town you want to call. For Other Calls, Dial 0 + area code + telephone number (0 + dialing is used with operator assistance for person to person, calling card or collect calls.) Busy Signals And No Answers
If you get a busy signal or if no one answers the telephone you are calling, hang up and try the call a little later. No charge is made on calls not completed. If You Need Help If you are cut off during a call, encounter difficulty in hearing or experience any other trouble, just dial the operator and report it. Charges are based upon rates in effect at the time of connection at the calling point. This also includes calls begin- ning in one rate period and ending in another. * There is a charge for this assistance.
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