Cheyenne, OK-2018
General Information You need to know If You Hear A “Beep”
A short, high “beep” tone on the telephone line about every 15 seconds means the person you are talking to is recording your conservation by means of an electric recording machine connected to the telephone line. This signal is provided by Dobson Telephone for your protection. If you don’t want your conversation recorded, ask the person with whom you are talking to disconnect the recording machine. When the recorder is disconnected, the beeping will stop. The “beep” is produced automatically by the device used to connect the recorder to the telephone line. It stops when the recorder is disconnected. Use of a recorder without this signal is unlawful. Service Application Changes And Discontinuation Applications for new service must be made by contacting Dobson Telephone business office. Changes or additions to existing service or equipment may be made by mail, in person or by telephone. Ample notice will help us move telephone equipment so that service will be practically uninterrupted. Liabilities Dobson Telephone does not assume liability for errors or omissions in this directory. Dobson Telephone reserves the right to change any telephone number at any time, and cannot guarantee uninterrupted service. Subscribers are responsible for the payment of all toll calls originating at the telephones. Incorrect Directory Listings If your listing in the directory is incorrect, it cannot be changed until the next edition of the directory. In the meantime, we can make the listing correct in directory assistance records. To arrange this, call Dobson Telephone at 1-580-497-3344. 900 Call Restriction 900 Call Restriction blocks calls from being directly dialed from your line to any 900 information service program number. Call Dobson Telephone at 1-580-497-3344 for information on how to obtain 900 Call Restriction. 3rd Party And Collect Block 3rd Party and Collect Block restricts anyone from making these type of calls and charging it to your phone. Annoyance Calls It is unlawful for any person to make a telephone call during which they make any comment, request, suggestion or proposal that is obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy or indecent. It is also unlawful to make certain telephone calls with the intent to annoy, torment, harass or embarrass any person. Violation of this law is punishable by $1,000 fine, one year in jail, or both.
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