Cheyenne, OK-2018
Three-Way Calling Two’s company, but Three-Way Calling is a necessity With Three-Way Calling, you can talk to two different parties – in two different places – at the same time. You’ll save time and hassles by being able to make arrangements and solve problems faster. It doesn’t matter if the calls are local or long distance, you’ll enjoy two-party clarity in every three-way conference call! How To Use Three-Way Calling 1. Call the first person and put them on hold by depressing the switch hook for one second. 2. Wait for the dial tone and then enter the phone number of the party you want to add to the conversation. When that person answers, you can talk privately before adding the first person back into the conversation. If the line is busy or no one answers, depress the switch hook twice to return to your first call. 3. Depress the switch hook for one second to add the first person. Now all three people will be on the line at the same time. 4. To disconnect either call, ask one person to hang up. You can then continue the conversation with the remaining party. 5. When you hang up, all callers will be disconnected. User Transfer Now, everyone can talk on the same call at the same time Now there’s no reason to run around trying to get the right parties on the same phone call at the same time. User Transfer allows you to transfer a call to another number, and then drop out of the call, leaving the other callers connected. You must have Three-Way Calling. How To Use User Transfer 1. Pick up the handset and place your call. 2. To transfer call to another number, press “FLASH” or “TRANSFER” or depress the switch hook button on phone. 3. Dial the second number and wait for answer. When you hang up, both callers will be connected.
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