Cass Morgan, IL-2016 Telco
Due to a recent Federal Communications Commission (FCC) order on “Slamming,” several rules regarding verification of long dis- tance carriers have caused our business office to change its procedures. Slamming is a term used when your long distance carrier is changed without your authorization. As a result of the FCC rule changes, Cass Telephone Company is now prohibited from verifying PIC “primary interexchange carrier” changes before implementing them in our switch.
Illinois Restricted Call Registry The Illinois Restricted Call Registry enables consumers to reduce unwanted telephone solicitation calls. Registration Illinois law adopts the National Do Not Call Registry, which is managed by the Federal Trade Commission, giving consumers the benefit of being included in both state and national registries with the convenience of free one-step enrollment. Illinois resi- dential subscribers can register their telephone numbers by internet or telephone.
PIC Freezes An alternative way to protect your account from unauthorized PIC changes is called a “PIC Freeze.” A PIC Freeze prohibits anyone, outside yourself, from implementing a PIC change for your account. Cass Telephone Company will not change your long distance carrier unless you personally give us written or oral authorization to remove the PIC Freeze prior to any change in your long distance company. IntraLATA and InterLATA Long Distance Illinois is divided into calling areas called LATAs. At the present time, you can order a PIC Freeze for your InterLATA (out of area long distance) and IntraLATA (local long distance) services. How to Request a PIC Freeze If you would like to have a PIC Freeze placed on your InterLATA or IntraLATA long distance service, please call and request a form, then sign and return it to Cass Telephone Company. There is no charge associated with Cass Telephone Company’s PIC Freeze service. If you are unsure of who your InterLATA or IntraLATA long distance company is, you may call our business office to verify your current long distance providers. As we mentioned above, FCC rules prohibit Cass Telephone Company from verifying PIC change requests for your account that we receive from long distance companies. If we do not receive a PIC Freeze request from you, your account may be vul- nerable to an unauthorized PIC change in the future without your prior knowledge or authorization. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our business office at 217-452-3022 or 1-800-508-5405 . Illinois law defines harassment by telephone as the use of telephone communication for any of the following purposes: • Making any lewd or indecent comment or request with intent to offend; • Making one or repeated telephone calls (whether or not con- versation occurs) with intent to abuse, threaten or harass; • Causing the telephone of another to ring repeatedly with intent to harass; • Knowingly allowing any telephone under one’s control to be used for any of the above. Such harassment is punishable by up to six months in prison
Internet Registration Toll-Free Telephone Registration Call from the number you wish to register. 1-888-382-1222 TTY – 1-866-290-4236
• Cell phone numbers may be registered. • Telephone numbers may remain on the registry for five years unless removed or changed by the subscriber. • Business numbers should not be registered since they are not covered under the law. While enrollment in the Restricted Call Registry will reduce the number of calls consumers receive, it will not eliminate all calls. Placing your telephone number on the registry won’t stop calls from political organizations, charities, or survey calls (that are not sales calls). Exemptions The law provides for certain exemptions including the following: • Calls from charitable organizations or religious organizations • Calls from companies which a consumer has a current or prior business relationship (example: telephone company or credit card company) • Calls from companies that have the consumer’s prior express invitation or permission to call
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