

Miscellaneous Information 900 Call Blocking

Use of Residence Telephones for Business Purposes

Residence telephones are installed with the understanding that they will be used for normal social or domestic purposes. Residence telephone service will be changed to business service if used primarily or substantially for business purposes, or if the residence telephone number is advertised in connection with the sale of products or services. Telephone Safety The telephone is one of the safest appliances in your home or office. There are, however, a few situations where a telephone user needs to be cautious. Use of the Telephone Near Water The telephone should not be used while you are in the bathtub, show er or pool. Immersion of the telephone or handset in water could cause electrical shock. Use of the Telephone During an Electrical Storm You should avoid using the telephone during an electrical storm in your immediate areas; calls of an urgent nature should be brief. There is a remote risk of a dangerous electric shock from lightning when using the telephone during a nearby electrical storm. Use of the Telephone to Report a Gas Leak If you think you have found a gas leak, you should not use a telephone in the vicinity of the leak until the leak is repaired. The telephone con tains electrical contacts that could generate a tiny spark when you lift the handset and dial. While unlikely, it may be possible for this spark to trigger an explosion if the gas concentration is high enough. Repair Service 798, 799 & 964 Prefixes Only Line and Wire Trouble The line up to the protector on the customer’s house is the responsi bility of BTEL. We will repair and keep that line in good working order at no charge to the customer. The telephone company is no longer responsible for repair of wiring and jacks beyond the protector on your home or business. This was by order of the Federal Communications Commission effective January 1, 1987. You now have the option to obtain these services from BTEL, the vendor of your choice or per form the work yourself. BTEL does offer a maintenance agreement that covers repairs of defective wiring and jacks within your home or business. If you do not purchase the maintenance agreement, BTEL will still fix your problem but you will be charged on a time and material basis. For further information or to subscribe to the SIWM plan, con tact the telephone company commercial office.

BTEL offers its customers 900 Call Blocking at no charge for the first request. There would be a non-recurring charge for any subsequent blocking requests. 900 blocking would prevent the connection of 1 + 900 calls being made from your number. About the Company BTEL is a SERVICE INSTITUTION. It is the purpose of its officers and employees to render a dependable and satisfactory service. To that end we employ numerous trained people, any one and all of whom will thankfully receive suggestions calculated to aid in the fulfillment of that purpose. About the Directory Even though every effort is made to compile this directory accurately, errors sometimes occur. BTEL assumes no responsibility or liability for damages arising from errors or omissions in printing. If your listing is incorrect or omitted from this directory, please contact BTEL at 979-798-2121. All persons are cautioned against attaching any unau thorized advertising in this directory or any device that will obscure or interfere with any authorized advertisement in the directory or on the cover. About Responsibility for Toll Subscribers are responsible for all toll calls originating at their tele phone, whether made by themselves, their clerks or guests, and BTEL does not obligate itself to have calls okayed by the subscriber. If ser vice on a call is not satisfactory, notify the toll operator immediately, otherwise, no refund will be allowed.

Solutions for Home, Work, Life

About Service BTEL does not guarantee the uninterrupted working of the line or instrument. No attachment of any character is to be made to the tele phone or line without consent of an authorized representative of BTEL, and BTEL will not consent to any illegal use of its lines or instruments as a means of communicating by anyone.



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