From the phone number associated to your mailbox number, dial 799 2300 to activate/initialize your mailbox. Your default pin to initialize your mailbox is 7981234. Once you have entered initialization, you will be prompted to change your pin and other personal options. After your mailbox has been set up, you can access your voicemails by dialing 799-2300 and entering your pin if dialing from the associ ated mailbox phone number - or refer to Remote Voicemail Access if trying to access from any other number. Remote Voicemail Access In order to use Remote Voicemail Access, you must complete the initial mailbox setup from the phone number associated with your mailbox. Dial 799-2300 and follow the voice prompts. The pin from this menu is the same pin that you set up in the Initial Mailbox Setup. Toll Restriction With Authorization Code Override – Budget Your Calls! Limits access to long distance calling. Feature works on a per-call basis. Must enter authorization code with each long distance call. Allows Toll Restriction to be overridden by entering the appropriate authorization code before making a long distance call. Toll Restriction prevents the origination of unauthorized toll calls from your telephone by means of blocking at the central office to deny termination of all outgoing calls starting with “1” or “0.” This feature will not block all toll calls a customer might make or receive, such as collect calls. Customers will select a four digit authorization code to be entered into the central office switch at the time they apply for this service. One authorization code is allotted to a single line. Multiline customers may purchase additional authorization codes. To change the authorization code, the customer must contact the telephone company. 1. Press *83 and listen for three short tones followed by dial tone. 2. Dial your four digit authorization code and listen for dial tone. 3. Dial the long distance number you desire.
Per-Line Blocking – Privacy Every Time! Subscribe to Per-Line Blocking and every call placed from your line will be displayed as “anonymous” or “private” on Caller ID. This ser vice is free of charge, but must be subscribed to from BTEL. Press *82 before dialing a telephone number to turn the feature off on a per call basis. As a result, Caller ID Subscribers will receive your number. Calling Name and/or Number Delivery – Know Who is Calling! Shows the name and number of a caller before picking up the phone. Request this service from the telephone company and the caller’s name will appear on your call display phone or unit. Note: Some calls may not be available when name and number information is not delivered. Customer Originated Call Trace – Protect Yourself! Traces calls for law enforcement. 1. Call BTEL to subscribe to this service. Call Trace is billed on a per-trace basis and results are only furnished to a law enforce ment agency. 2. Immediately after receiving an offensive call, hang up the receiver. 3. Before receiving another call, lift receiver and Press *57 . Listen for recording to indicate if call could be traced. 4. Write date and time of trace and give to BTEL during normal business hours. Voicemail – Initial Mailbox Setup For security reasons, you may only initialize your mailbox from the associated phone number. If you do not have access to that phone number, then please contact BTEL at 798-2121.
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