10 Digit Dialing in an Area Code Overlay What is an area code overlay? An overlay is the use of two area codes for the same geographical region. What is the dialing procedure? To complete local calls, the dialing procedure requires callers to dial area code + telephone number . This means that all calls in the 270/364 area code must be dialed using area code + telephone number . • The price of a call, coverage area, or other rates and services are not affected due to the overlay.
Bowling Green
• Local calls remain local regardless of the number of digits dialed. • Dial 1 + area code + telephone number for all long distance calls. • You can still dial just three digits to reach 911. • If 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711 or 811 are currently available in your community, you will still dial these codes with just three digits. Who may you contact with questions? If you have any questions regarding information provided in this notice, please call Brandenburg Telephone Company at 270-422-2121, 270-351-4466, 270-580-4466, or 270-982-4466, or access the following websites for more information: or Brandenburg Telephone Company, Inc. Lifeline Service Offering Lifeline is a state and federal program that provides discounts to eligible low-income consumers to help ensure they have access to telephone and broadband services. Federal Lifeline offers a discount of up to $9.25 per month on a qualifying broadband service. An additional state discount of $3.50 applies for those subscribers who qualify for Lifeline using a voice service. Only one discount may be applied per household. All voice services include unlimited local calling and subscribers may select the long distance calling plan of their choice. Unless technically unavailable, all Lifeline qualifying broadband services must be at or above 25 meg downstream / 3 meg upstream. All of our broadband services are unmetered. An individual must meet certain eligibility criteria, such as receiving: 1. Medicaid 5 . Veterans Pension Benefit Program 2. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) 6. Survivors Benefit Program 3. Federal Public Housing Assistance 4. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) A customer may also qualify if their household income is at or below 135 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Household is defined as any individual or group of individuals who live together at the same address and share income and expenses. Enrollment in Lifeline requires that you continue to maintain eligibility by providing annual proof and recertification to the Lifeline Administrators. Customers can obtain information and/or apply for eligibility at or by coming to any Brandenburg Telephone Company business office, or calling us at our Business Offices in Brandenburg ( 270-422-2121 ), Radcliff ( 270-351-4466 ), or Vine Grove ( 270-877-2113 ). Consumers who willfully make false statements in order to obtain benefit can be punished by fine or imprisonment or can be barred from the program.
Brandenburg Telephone Co.
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