
Long Distance

If You Use 900 Pay-Per-Call Services


Accessing 900 Numbers BBT offers blocking of 900/976 numbers on a customer specific basis. If you wish to order this service, you will need to contact our business office. There will be no charge for the first block, but for subse quent blocks thereafter, there will be a fee. To remove this service, you will need to contact our business office in writing. If you do not wish to block calls to 900 or 976 numbers, you do not need to take any action. Acceder 1-900 Numeros BBT le ofrece la capacidad de bloquear su línea de los números 900/976. Si desea ordenar este servicio póngase en contacto con nuestra oficina. No se cobra por bloquear su línea la primera vez, pero si se cobran honoraries por bloqueos subse cuentes. Parquitar el bloqueo de su línea llame a nuestra oficina. No se requiere occión de su parte si usted no desea bloquear los números 900/976 de su linea.

You have rights we’d like you to know about (under the Federal Telephone Disclosure and Dispute Resolution Act). Charges for 900 mes sages are for non-telecommunication services. You should not be billed for Pay-Per-Call ser vices not offered in compliance with federal laws and regulations. If you orally communicate an allegation of a billing error via the toll free number on the 900 bill page, it will be consid ered sufficient notification of a billing error. For billing disputes or inquiries, please call your local exchange carrier at 1-800-592-4781 . You have 60 days after receiving a bill to dispute a billing error. You have the right to withhold pay ment of the disputed charges during the billing error review. No collection activity for disputed charges will occur while the charges are under investigation. After investigation, if it is deter mined that the disputed charges are legitimate, the long distance carrier or the information provider may proceed with outside collections against your account. Your local and long distance service cannot be disconnected for non-payment of 900 charges. Failure to pay legitimate 900 charges may result in invol untary blocking of your access to 900 ser vices. Voluntary blocking of access to 900 services is available upon request from your local exchange carrier.


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