Service & Billing
3. Establish toll blocking pursuant to long distance carrier’s request and charge the long distance carrier the Commission- established nonrecurring and recurring monthly charges for toll blocking. The local service provider is required to provide notice to the customer within 24 hours of implementation of the toll block. Note: Notices sent may include an explanation that the long distance carrier requested the toll block and provide contact information for the long distance carrier. If there is an agreement between the long distance carrier and the local service provider, the long distance carrier may actually send the notice. Federal Universal Service Charge The Federal Universal Service Fund Program is designed to help keep local telephone service rates affordable for all customers, in all areas of the United States. The Federal Universal Service Charge (FUSC) changes every quarter and is calculated by multiplying the FCC’s universal service contribution factor times your interstate service charges. To check current FUSC rates, visit: . El servicio universal federal, FUS, fue creado por el gobierno federal para ayudar a garan- tizar un servicio de telecomunicaciones básico y asequible para todos los consumidores de la nación, especialmente para quienes viven en comunidades rurales de altos costos y para los consumidores de recursos limitados. El factor de contribución de Servicio Universal Federal puede cambiar cada trimestre. El cargo FUS se calcula multiplicando el factor de contribución por los costes del servicio interestatal. Para obtener la tasa de FUSC actual, visite: . Aumento del cargo llamado servicio federal universal
3. Notify the customer of their right to receive basic local telephone service without entering into PLTS anytime the company notifies (orally or in writing) the customer of the rates and conditions of PLTS if the customer does not owe for basic local service. Note: A statement to this effect will need to be added to the PLTS notice.
Allowed to: 1. Disconnect basic local service of a resi- dential customer in instances where the customer avoided a toll block initiated due to the nonpayment of long distance charges and/or for fraudulent activities. 2. Toll block (with access to toll-free num- bers where technically available) a res- idential customer for nonpayment of long distance charges. The local service provider is required to provide notice to the customer within 24 hours of implementation of the toll block.
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