

REPAIR Ardmore Telephone Company and you are responsible for maintenance of the line that serves your home or business. Generally, Ardmore Telephone Company maintains the telecommunication lines and related network that are outside your premises at no additional charge to you. You are responsible for maintenance of the pa of the line inside your home or business that is between the network inte ace point (which is usually a gray box a ached to the outside of your premises) and the telephone set or other equipment. We offer an optional plan to help you maintain the inside wiring and jacks and to isolate problems inside your home or business. You are also responsible for maintenance of the telephone set and other equipment a ached to the line. Any repair needs related to your set or other equipment should be addressed with the vendor, supplier or manufacturer. CHECKING PROBLEMS 1. Are all phones out? If so, the problem may be in the telephone line outside your home or business. Call Ardmore Telephone Company. 2. Does the phone work in one jack but not another? If so, the problem may be inside wiring or the other jack. Your options for repair of these inside problems are to contact Ardmore Telephone Company, call another company or fix the problem yourself. 3. Is one phone out, but another works in the same jack? If so, the problem may be in your phone equipment. Call the vendor, supplier or manufacturer of the equipment. 4. Do you have a problem with your cordless phone? If so, unplug it and then try your other phones. The cordless phone could be the problem. 5. Do you have a problem with your Caller ID display unit? Check the ba eries first. 6. Are you experiencing issues with other equipment such as a router? Call us at 800-830-9946 for assistance. the p supplier or man 4. Do you have a problem w it and then try your other phones. The splayun

NEED TO KNOW INFORMATION 900 Service • 900 Service numbers are billed on a pay-per-call basis. Many local service providers act as billing and collection agents for many providers of such services. • Local service providers will not disconnect local telephone service for nonpayment of the amount billed for calls to a 900 Service. • 900 charges may be removed from a customer’s bill if unpaid for 60 days. Local service providers may, however, provide pe inent customer information to the service provider for fu her collection effo s. The following consumer rights for Pay-Per-Call 900 Service are provided under the Federal Telephone Disclosure and Dispute Resolution Act. For billing error claims regarding 900 Service charges: • Call the number on your bill listed with the 900 charges within 60 days of receiving the bill. • Oral notification is sufficient to begin a billing review. • Payment of disputed 900 Service charges is not required during the review period. • No action to collect disputed 900 charges will be taken during the review period.

Wri en acknowledgment of your dispute must be provided to you within 40 days of receiving your notice if:

• The error has not been corrected; or • The billing review is not completed.

The billing review must be completed within 90 days and: • An explanation must be provided to you if the bill was correct; or • The error must be corrected.


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