
DIRECTORY LISTINGS OR OMISSIONS It is desired that all subscribers shall be properly listed in the directory. Errors or omissions should be promptly repo ed to the customer service depa ment. ATC and the publishers of this directory assume no liability whatever for damages accruing from such errors. AUTHORIZED USE OF EQUIPMENT Equipment and facilities are furnished for the use of the subscriber, employees, agents or representatives of the subscriber or members of the subscriber’s domestic establishment. All equipment leased by ATC shall remain the prope y of the ATC. Such equipment shall not be used for any toll or consideration to be paid by any other person than the subscriber, nor for pe orming any pa of the work of transmi ing, delivering or collecting any message, where any toll or consideration has been or is to be paid any pa y other than the ATC, without the wri en consent of ATC. CONSUMER RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROVIDING YOUR OWN EQUIPMENT Under the Federal Communications Commission’s Registration Program, customers may supply their own equipment and connect it directly to ATC’s network. The equipment must be approved by the FCC, and the customer is responsible for its proper connection, maintenance and repair. FCC rules also require that you notify ATC before connecting your equipment. Monthly rates for inside wiring and terminal equipment may be billed at competitive prices. Service connection charges for terminal equipment are no longer under regulation and may be priced at competitive prices. Customers may contract for the installation of equipment from ATC or other qualified installation service organizations. NUMBERS MAY BE CHANGED Telephone subscribers have no prope y right to the telephone number, and ATC may change the number whenever it deems it desirable in the conduct of the business or when the exigencies of the business require it.

ACCESS TO SUBSCRIBER’S PREMISES For the purpose of inspecting, repairing, replacing or removing any pa of Ardmore Telephone Company’s equipment, apparatus and lines on the subscriber’s premises, Ardmore Telephone Company’s employees shall have access thereto at any reasonable hour. No liability shall a ach to ATC by reason of any defacement or damage to the subscriber’s premises resulting from the placing of ATC’s instruments, apparatus and associated wiring on such premises, or by the removal thereof, when such defacement or damage is not the result of negligence on the pa of ATC or its employees. TENNESSEE DO NOT CALL REGISTRY Tennessee residential customers can now enroll on the Tennessee Public Utility Commission (TPUC) Do Not Call Registry. The registry is a list of residential telephone subscribers who do not wish to be solicited by telemarketers. To enroll on the registry online, go to TPUC’s website at . You may also enroll by calling toll-free 877-872-7030 from your home. Business numbers may not be included on the list. Telemarketers are prohibited from calling your telephone number 60 days a er you enroll, unless exempted by law. TRANSPORTATION COMPLAINTS If you have a utility or transpo ation (common carrier) complaint, please a empt first to resolve same by direct contact with that utility or transpo ation company. If you are unable to achieve results from that direct contact, you may then call the Alabama Public Service Commission by dialing toll free 800-392-8050. Please note your Public Service Commission does not regulate the following utilities and, therefore, does not have the power to resolve complaints concerning them: electric cooperatives, most water companies, municipal utilities, cable TV systems, Tennessee Valley Authority. ALABAMA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION UTILITY OR


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