
How to Do Business

Would You Like to AVOID Telemarketers? Here’s What You Can Do! Whether you live in Tennessee or Alabama, you can now take action to keep telemarketers from calling you. In Tennessee You can enroll on the “Do Not Call Registry” sponsored by the Tennessee Public Utility Commission (TPUC). The registry is a list of residential telephone subscribers who do not wish to be solicited by telemarketers. To enroll on the registry online, go to the TPUC website at You may also enroll by calling toll-free 1-877-872-7030. (Business numbers may not be included on the list.) After you enroll, telemarketers have 60 days to remove your phone number from their databases. In Alabama As required by Alabama law, the Alabama Public Service Commission maintains a “Do Not Call” registry for residential consumers who do not want to receive unsolicited sales calls. Currently, there is no charge to be included on the registry. Your name will remain on the registry for two years unless you ask to be removed. If you would like to know more about the “Do Not Call” registry, send your name and address to the Alabama Public Service Commission, ATTN: Do Not Call Registry, 1-800-382-1222, P.O. Box 304260, Montgomery, AL 36130-4260. Information material with an enroll- ment form will be mailed to you. Please note in the informational material that some businesses are exempt and may still call you. Ardmore Telephone Company 30190 Ardmore Avenue Ardmore, AL 35739

If the bill was found to be correct: • You have the right to request a written explanation. • You should receive a written notice of the amount you owe and the payment due date. If you fail to pay the amount that is owed, you may be reported as delinquent, but: • The name and address of any party to which you were report- ed for delinquency must be provided to you. • If you do not agree with the explanation and if you so give notice before the payment due date, any delinquent report must state that you still dispute the charges. • Any party receiving the delinquent report must also be advised in writing when the matter is settled. If above rules are not followed, the first $50 for each 900 Service charge in question cannot be collected even if your bill was correct. Collection of unpaid 900 charges may be pursued by the Interexchange Carrier or Information Provider through independent collection action. Non-payment of 900 Service charges or charges for similar type of service will not result in disconnection of your local or long distance service. However, access to 900 numbers may be blocked for non-payment of legitimate charges. You should not be billed for 900 Services that are not offered in com- pliance with federal laws and regulations. You may obtain blocking of 900 Service at no charge by calling AT&T, if you are an AT&T customer.

Business Office: 256-423-2131 Repair Hotline: 256-423-2122


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