

Volcano Business Operations, Rules, & Regulations

or facilities. If you have any questions concerning the use of customer-provided equipment, please contact your Business office. WHEN TO PAY YOUR BILL You are responsible for payment of authorized charges on your bill. Payment is due when you receive your bill. If this bill is not paid within 15 days from date of presenta tion, service may be discontinued. Failure to pay charges (i.e. basic flat-rate single-line service charges, including all mandated surcharges and taxes) may result in discon nection of telephone service. Basic Service is defined in D.96-10-066, Appendix B, Page 5. Other services, such as the ability to make toll calls, may be restricted if not paid. Optional services may be discontinued. If we dis connect your service for non-payment, you must pay the past due amount and a charge to reconnect your service. You may be required to pay a deposit. LATE PAYMENT CHARGE If a bill is not paid by the 15th day from the metered date, a 1.5% late payment charge will be applied to an unpaid balance of $20.00 or more.

Basic telephone service, as defined by D.96-10-066, Appendix B, Page 5, will not be disconnected sole ly for nonpayment of 700, 900 or 976 charges. If you have disputed charges, you may be entitled to a cred it. At no charge, residential customers can block such calls from being made from their phones. You must lodge your complaint within 60 days of receipt of the bill in dispute. To lodge a complaint, please call or write to the Business Office listed on the front of your bill. TARIFFS Tariffs, showing rates and rules for telephone service and facilities, are on file with the California Public Util ities Commission. They are available in our Business Offices for public inspection. Volcano Telephone Customers are billed one month in advance. Rental charges vary according to location and type of service, as authorized by the California Public Utilities Commission. Charges are payable to the date on which the company deems it necessary to terminate service or to the date on which the sub scriber requests that the service is to be disconnected. DISCONNECTION NOTICE Written notice of our intent to disconnect telephone service is mailed to a customer at least seven days before the scheduled disconnect date. If payment has not been made by the specified date, the service will be temporarily disconnected without further notice. There will be a service connection charge to restore the ser vice, and a deposit may also be required. The company assumes no responsibility for undelivered notices. BUSINESS HOURS Business Office is open from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday (except holidays) and 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday. The Telephone Company does not guarantee uninter rupted working of its lines or equipment. In case ser vice is interrupted, otherwise than by negligence or willful act of the subscriber, an adjustment will, upon application by a subscriber, be made in the amount of the charges for such of the service equipment and facilities furnished and are rendered useless or inop erative. Any adjustment shall apply only to the period the interruption continues beyond 24 hours after the notice of the interruption is received by the Telephone ALLOWANCE FOR FAILURE OF SERVICE TELEPHONE RENTAL AND ACCESS LINES

Company. No other liability shall in any case attach to the Telephone Company.

BILLING AND PAYMENT FOR SERVICE Volcano Telephone’s monthly bills for telephone ser vice are issued in advance, are payable in advance, and are due upon presentation. Long distance charges for the month preceding are included on the current bill. When paying in person at the Business Office, it will save you time if you have your bill with you. When paying by a check, please enclose the payment stub with your check. If the stub has been mislaid, you can make certain that your account will be promptly credited by writing your telephone num ber on the check. Payment can be made by Auto Payment through your checking account or credit card. Call us for these sign up forms. You may also pay in the office or by phone with Visa, MasterCard, or Discover. In the office, you can also use your bank debit card. You may also pay online with Volcano e-bill payment service. Log on to . If you desire additional assistance or explanation re garding your bill, please call the Business Office. Note: All rules and regulations in effect at time of printing are subject to change without notice. If you get an annoying, obscene, or threatening call, hang up immediately. If the calls persist, inform your telephone company business office. Threatening calls should be reported immediately to the police. Obscene or harassing calls are prohibited by federal and state laws. A person who makes or permits such calls to be made over a telephone under their control may be fined or imprisoned, or both. Federal Com munications Act, Section 223, California Penal Code Section 653m. CALIFORNIA LIFELINE PROGRAM California Lifeline Telephone Program is available to all Volcano Telephone Company residential custom ers who meet certain eligibility rules established by the California Public Utilities Commission. Native American residential customers who reside on federally-recognized tribal lands may be eligible to receive additional federal Lifeline Support in order to reduce the price for basic local telephone service. For more information, please call the Business Office at 209-296-7502 . ANNOYING, OBSCENE AND THREATENING CALLS

QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL If you have questions about your bill, please call us at the number shown on your bill. If you have a com plaint you cannot resolve with us, write the Califor nia Public Utilities Commission at Consumer Affairs Branch, 505 Van Ness Ave., Room 2003, San Fran cisco, CA 94102 – or at , or call 800-649-7570/800-755-2929 . If your complaint concerns interstate or internation al calling, write the Federal Communications Com mission at Consumer Complaints, 445 12th St SW, Washington, DC 20554 or at , or call 888-225-5322 or TTY 888-835-5322 . Note: The California Public Utilities Commission han dles complaints of both interstate and intrastate un authorized carrier charges (“slamming”). The Califor nia Public Utilities Commission consumer protection rules are available online at .


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