
Alexandria, TN is published annually by DTC Communications

068026 November 2023 Alexandria Auburntown Brush Creek Ca hage Gordonsville Libe y Milton Norene Smithville

Making Meaningful Connections

Temperance Hall Woodbury Wate own Woodland Includes Business Listings for: Lebanon Mu reesboro


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Emergency Calls Only (Where 9-1-1 Service Is Available)

FIRE • AMBULANCE MEDICAL • PARAMEDICS HIGHWAY PATROL • SHERIFF • POLICE TDD/TTY emergency calls: Dial 9-1-1 and press the space bar until someone answers. This is for emergencies only. When you call 9-1-1 for emergency service, your phone number may appear on the viewing screen at the Public Emergency Service Center to help personnel locate you. If you don’t want your phone number displayed, call the number in the White Pages for the service you need. For non-emergencies, use the White Pages number.



Police ______________________________________________________ Fire ___________________________________________________________

Doctor _____________________________________________________ Hospital ______________________________________________________

ALEXANDRIA Fire (To Report A Fire) .................................................. 615-215-3000 Or ............................................................................................... 911 Forest Fire (Fire Tower) ................................................ 615-597-4015 To Obtain a Burning Permit DeKalb County .........................................................615-597-4015 Ambulance ..................................................................................... 911 Sheriff .................................................................911 or 615-597-4935 Police .................................................615-215-3000 or 615-529-2700 AUBURNTOWN Fire (To Report A Fire) Cannon County..............................................911 or 615-563-4322 Wilson County ...........................................................................911 Forest Fire (Fire Tower) Cannon County......................................................... 615-765-7373 Wilson County ...........................................................................911 To Obtain A Burning Permit Cannon County......................................................... 615-765-7373 Ambulance Cannon County..............................................911 or 615-563-4322 Wilson ........................................................................................911 Sheriff Cannon County......................................................... 615-563-1000 Wilson County ..........................................................615-444-1412 Or (Jail)...................................................................... 615-444-5686

GORDONSVILLE Fire (To Report A Fire) ................................................................... 911 Forest Fire ...................................................911 or Day 615-683-6361 Police ............................................................................ 615-683-6088 After Hours................................................................615-735-2626 SMITH COUNTY Forest Fire ...................................................911 or Day 615-683-6361 To Obtain A Burning Permit ......................................... 615-683-6361 Ambulance .........................................................911 or 615-735-2121 Sheriff .................................................................911 or 615-735-2626 LIBERTY Fire (To Report A Fire ) .......................................911 or 615-215-3000 Fire Tower ...................................................................... 615-597-4015 To Obtain A Burning Permit DeKalb County .........................................................615-597-4015 Ambulance ..................................................................................... 911 Sheriff . ................................................................911 or 615-597-4935 MILTON Fire (To Report A Fire) Cannon County..............................................911 or 615-563-4322 Rutherford County .................................................... 615-898-7770 Or ........................................................................ 615-867-4626 Fire Tower Cannon County......................................................... 615-765-7373 Rutherford County .....................................................................911



To Obtain A Burning Permit Cannon County......................................................... 615-765-7373 Rutherford County .................................................1-877-350-2876 Ambulance Cannon County..............................................911 or 615-563-4322 Rutherford County .................................................... 615-898-7790 Sheriff Cannon County......................................................... 615-563-1000 Rutherford County .................................................... 615-898-7770 NORENE Fire (To Report A Fire) ................................................................... 911 Ambulance ..................................................................................... 911 Sheriff ............................................................................ 615-444-1412 Or (Jail)...................................................................... 615-444-5686 SMITHVILLE Emergency Service ....................................................................... 911 Fire (To Report A Fire) City............................................................................ 615-215-3000 Rural .........................................................................615-215-3000 Or ............................................................................................... 911 Fire Tower ...................................................................... 615-597-4015 To Obtain A Burning Permit DeKalb County .........................................................615-597-4015 City Limits ................................................................. 615-215-3000 Ambulance ..................................................................................... 911 Sheriff ............................................................................................. 911 Or .............................................................................. 615-597-4935 Police ............................................................................. 615-215-3000 Crime Stoppers Line .................................................... 615-464-6046 DeKalb County ..............................................911 or 615-215-3000 Smith County .................................................911 or 615-735-2121 Fire Tower DeKalb County .........................................................615-597-4015 To Obtain A Burning Permit DeKalb County .........................................................615-597-4015 Smith County ............................................................ 615-683-6361 Ambulance DeKalb County ...................................................................Dial 911 Smith County .................................................911 or 615-735-2121 Sheriff DeKalb County ..............................................911 or 615-597-4935 Smith County .................................................911 or 615-735-2626 WOODBURY Fire (To Report A Fire) Cannon County.......................................................................... 911 Rutherford County .........................................911 or 615-898-7770 Fire Tower Cannon County..................................................Day 615-765-7373 TEMPERANCE HALL Fire (To Report A Fire)

To Obtain A Burning Permit Cannon County......................................................... 615-765-7373 Rutherford County .................................................1-877-350-2876 Ambulance Cannon County..............................................911 or 615-563-4322 Rutherford County .................................................... 615-898-7790 Sheriff Cannon County. ........................................................ 615-563-1000 Rutherford County .................................................... 615-898-7770 Police ............................................................................. 615-563-5940 Cannon County..............................................911 or 615-563-4322 Coffee County............................................................................ 911 Warren County........................................................................... 911 Forest Fire Cannon County.......................................911 or Day 615-765-7373 Coffee County............................................................................ 911 Warren County........................................................................... 911 To Obtain A Burning Permit Cannon County......................................................... 615-765-7373 Coffee County........................................................1-877-731-2221 Warren County............................................... Day 1-931-635-2754 Ambulance Cannon County..............................................911 or 615-563-4322 Coffee County............................................................................ 911 Warren County........................................... 911 or 1-931-473-3929 Sheriff Cannon County......................................................... 615-563-1000 Coffee County........................................................1-931-570-4421 Warren County.......................................................1-931-473-7863 TENNESSEE HIGHWAY PATROL Carthage .....................................................................1-931-528-8496 Cookeville ...................................................................1-931-528-8496 Lebanon ......................................................................1-615-741-3181 Manchester ................................................................1-423-634-6890 McMinnville ................................................................1-931-528-8496 Murfreesboro .............................................................1-615-741-3181 Smithville ....................................................................1-931-528-8496 OTHER IMPORTANT NUMBERS FBI (Knoxville) ................................................................865-544-0751 Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) ................... 615-744-4000 Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms & Explosives (ATF) ......................................................................1-800-800-3855 Secret Service (Nashville) .........................................1-615-736-5841 Poison Control Center (Tennessee) .........................1-800-222-1222 Missing Children Hotline ..........................................1-800-843-5678 GIRLS AND BOYS TOWN NAT’L HOTLINE ....................................................1-800-448-3000 WOODLAND (MIDWAY) Fire (To Report A Fire)



900 Pay-Per Call Services ................................................ 43 Billing Information .......................................................13, 43 Center Hill Lake Information .......................................50-51 Consumer Rights ..........................................................41-42 Customer Assistance Programs .................................10-11 Customer Information ......................................................7-9 DTC History & Community Information .....................44-47 DTC Information .................................................................. 5 Directory Assistance ......................................................... 16 Directory Coverage Map .................................................. 15 Emergency Numbers .......................................................1-2 Equipment Information ..................................................... 12 How to Reach DTC .............................................................. 4 International Calling .......................................................... 21 Intralata Freeze/PIC Freeze Information ......................... 40 Local Calling ...................................................................... 14 Long Distance Calling ..................................................15-17 Online Directory ............................................................22-23 Rate Periods within your Service Area ............................ 16 Repair Service ..................................................................... 4 Service & Billing ................................................................. 13 Service Area and Map for Nashville LATA ....................... 15 Simple Touch Features ................................................26-37 Statement of Nondiscrimination ........................................ 6 Telephone Directory Information ....................................... 7 Underground Cable Locating Service ........................24-25 Vacation Planning .........................................................48-49 Voice Mail Answering Service .....................................38-39 Zip Codes and Area Codes .........................................18-20 2023 Middle TN State University Schedule ..................... 55 2023 Tennessee Titans Schedule ..................................... 52 2023 University of Tennessee Schedule .......................... 53 2023 Vanderbilt University Schedule ............................... 54

This Directory is Published by: DPS Media 2630 Hwy 109 · Wildwood MO, 63040

In Cooperation with: DTC Communications



DTC Communications ................................................................................. 615-529-2955 Alexandria Office - 111 High Street, Alexandria Gordonsville Office - 417 Gordonsville Hwy, Suite 102, Gordonsville

Smithville Office - 200 Walmart Drive, Smithville Woodbury Office - 106 W High Street, Woodbury To place an order for new service, removal or change in existing service, billing and toll inquires

All Exchanges Call ..................................................................................615-529-2955 Outside DTC Area............................................................................... 1-800-367-4274 Carthage Area.........................................................................................615-588-1277 Outside Carthage Area ....................................................................... 1-800-653-1507 DTC Security ..........................................................................................615-529-2955 DTC Tech Team ....................................................................................615-683-TECH Buried Cable Location Information All Exchanges ..........................................................................................................811 Repair Service All Exchanges (From a DTC Phone Within The Service Area) .................................611 Outside DTC Area (or From a Cellular Phone) ........................................615-529-2951 Carthage Area.........................................................................................615-588-1280 Internet Tech Support (24 Hours a Day - 7 Days a Week) ......................615-683-4033 DTC TV Tech Support (24 Hours a Day - 7 Days a Week)......................615-683-4033 Carthage Area TV Tech Support .............................................................615-588-1282 Outside Carthage Area ....................................................................... 1-877-849-9558 Closed Captioning Issues.......................................................................................................................611 Email Advance Wiring All Exchanges Call ..................................................................................615-529-2955 Carthage Area.........................................................................................615-588-1277 Directory Assistance (Charges Apply) .................................................................... 1-411 Operator Assistance (Charges Apply) ..................................................................Dial “0” Emergency Repair Service Emergency service after normal working hours, Sundays and Holidays ................611 Outside DTC Area...................................................................................615-529-2951 Carthage Area.........................................................................................615-588-1280 Outside Carthage Area ....................................................................... 1-877-849-9558



DeKalb Telephone Cooperative Inc (DTC) has been the local tele phone company serving areas in Alexandria, Auburntown, Gordons ville, Liberty, Milton, Norene, Smithville, Temperance Hall, Woodbury, and Woodland since 1951. We were created by local citizens to bring basic telephone service to these rural areas at a time when none ex isted, owing to the higher costs and lack of profits in servicing rural areas of Tennessee.

We have served, and endeavor to continue to serve, both residen tial and commercial customers in our rural communities with quality telecommunications services at competitive rates. In addition to our basic telephone services, we bring advanced tele communications services to our rural communities, including Internet access, high speed data services, special calling features, voice mail, Tech Team service, TV and security.

Access to Operator Services There is no direct charge from DTC Communications for the ability to call the operator; how ever, the call does involve charges depending on the service requested and the rates of the company whose operator handled the call. Access to Directory Assistance Callers may access local, interlata and interstate directory assistance. Charges will apply at the tariffed rate in effect at the time of the call, based on the company whose operator pro vides the information. DTC customers are allowed two local (intralata) directory assistance There is no charge from DTC Communications for the ability to place and receive calls through long distance carriers that offer service through our network; however, the call may involve a charge from the long distance carrier, depending on the type of call. Toll Limitation Services Toll denial is available at tariffed rates. calls per billing period without charge. Access to Long Distance Carriers



Statement of Nondiscrimination In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression) , sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs) . Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339 . Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at How to File a Program Discrimination Complaint ( ), and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992 . Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Indepen dence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or by email at . USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

We’re Here to Help You!




Recognizing Telephone Company Employees Employees are normally dressed in a DTC uniform or have a name badge. Company service vehicles display DTC logos. You are encour aged to call our office at 615-529-2955 or Carthage Area at 615-588 1277 any time you have concerns about our employees or vehicles. Directory Information Looking for more business? Advertise in the telephone company’s Yel low Pages. Call your local service office for information. Additional local directories may be obtained at your service office at a minimal charge. Directory Listings Your name will automatically be added to our White Pages when you have a phone installed unless you ask for an Unlisted Number. For a small monthly charge, you can add other phone numbers if you wish: • Additional Residence Listings for other names in your household. • Cellular Number Listings can be added along with your DTC res idential listing. • Additional Business Listings can put your name as well as your business' name in the White Pages. • Alternate Call Listings give another phone number for after-hours calls or if there is no one to answer at the first phone number. Every effort is made to make the directory as accurate as possible. If an error occurs, please advise the service office so the listings can be corrected in future directories. Number Changes The telephone company reserves the right to and may, at its discre tion, change the customer’s telephone number.

Rates & Policies Copies of our rules and regulations and schedules of rates are avail able at our corporate office and are open to public inspection. Use Of Residence Telephones For Business Purposes Residence telephones are installed with the understanding that they will be used for normal social or domestic purposes. A residence tele phone will be changed to business service if used primarily or sub stantially for business purposes, or if the residence telephone number is advertised in connection with the sale of products or services. Handling Unwanted Phone Calls

If you’re bothered by harassing or anonymous phone calls, try these techniques to discourage them: Always hang up immediately at the first obscene word or if the person on the other end of the line doesn’t re spond after you’ve said “hello” twice. Don’t talk to the caller. This is what he or she wants you to do. Don’t give out any information or let the caller know if you’re alone. Teach your children to say, “Mom or Dad can’t come to the phone. May I take a message?”

If the problem occurs continuously over an extended period, you should report it to your local law enforcement agency. Keep a record of the days and times of the calls, and note the caller’s sex, voice, accent, and comments. This information could assist the police. It is a crime to make harassing, obscene, or anonymous phone calls under both federal and state laws. (Refer to page 30 for information on Call Tracing. Reference page 42 for information on State and Fed eral Do-Not-Call Programs.)



Prosecuting Fraudulent Callers It is illegal for another person to charge long distance calls to your number or calling card without your permission. People using unau thorized calling cards or phone numbers to avoid charges are subject to prosecution and may be imprisoned, fined, or both. Calling Number Delivery FCC Regulations FCC Rules require the telephone companies to transmit the calling party’s telephone number to the called party on all interstate calls and to allow the customer to choose not to send this information on a call by call basis. If you do not wish to have your telephone number revealed to the individual you are calling, you must first dial *67 from a touch tone telephone or 1167 from a rotary telephone before placing your call.

Wiring Requirements for New Service General Recommendations 1. Use CAT-5E or greater wire. Use the first pair (blue white ) when connecting phone lines. a. Avoid wrapping wire around any pipes and wires. b. Wires should be run above electric wires and water pipes.

c. Don’t splice into any other wire. d. Run wires from planned ONT location to jack location. e. Don’t staple wires when they are run on the inside of a wall. f. Never bury unapproved wire or let wire lay on the ground. g. Contractors may want to use an accessible junction point (4 or more wires) . h. Avoid putting station wires and/or jacks in damp places.

i. It is required during new building construction, buried service being desired, that a conduit be placed in the ground. This conduit should be schedule 40 PVC and use 90 degree sweep L’s (not to exceed three) . A pull string should be placed in the conduit prior to DTC personnel arriving for installation. The conduit should be placed in a trench 2 ft. deep. The following conduit sizes are recommended: Residential........................................................................... 1 inch min. Business .............................................................................. 1 inch min.



2. When running wire through the wall to the outside, leave several feet of slack, protect and allow for growth by stubbing a conduit of sufficient size through exterior wall. Seal conduit with putty. Try to leave loose in case another wire needs to be run. Below are recommendations for various types of installations: Standard Installation 1. CAT-5E or greater wiring, one wire from the NID to each jack. Internet Installation 1. CAT-5E or greater wiring from the NID to the Internet modem. 2. CAT-5E or greater Ethernet should be used from the ONT to the computer or router. 3. Electrical connection is standard 2-wire plug with ground. 4. An Internet filter must be installed on every wire used for a phone. (This can also sometimes be done at the NID, depending on the installation.) IPTV Installation 1. Wiring is generally the same as for the Internet connection. 2. Use CAT-5E or greater Ethernet from the Internet ONT to each STB. 3. Use appropriate cable from STB to connected device (TV, DVD, etc.) . 4. Other options may also be available for unique installation issues (i.e. wireless, etc.) . Contact DTC for more information. For further information and sample wiring diagrams, please go to our website at or visit any DTC Customer Care Center. DEFINITIONS STB - Set-Top Box - the digital TV channel selector device.

Procedure For Checking Telephone Line To Determine If Trouble Is Inside Please disconnect any cordless phones, answering machines, computers, or alarms systems since these types of instruments can cause outages of service. Keep one instrument connected to test for working service. 1. Make sure your phone is connected to power (if it’s needed). 2. There should already be an existing cable that came with the phone to connect it to the ONT. Ensure one end of this cable is connected to your phone and the other end is connected to the L1 PHONE port on the ONT.

The final setup should look like this:

3. You should have dial tone and be able to make and receive calls if the trouble is inside the home. If this is the case, you may isolate the trouble to a particular station wire or jack inside by using the following procedure: a. Reconnect everything as it was before you started testing to de termine if the trouble was inside or outside. b. If you have more than one station wire connected to the line, disconnect one station wire and check the others inside for dial tone. Continue this process until the defective station wire, jack or instrument has been identified. If the trouble is outside, notify DTC repair service to have a technician come and repair your line. Charges will apply for service calls when the problem is in customer equipment or customer owned station wiring.

New Construction Not Sure About Wiring Needs?

TV entertainment, Internet, email, gaming & future services require a ro bust networking infrastructure to support them. Allow DTC to assist with your new home or business wiring construction. Contact us for a quote on professional & complete network installation. DTC will pull indoor fiber at no charge before drywall is hung; simply call us at 615-529-2955. Contractors Contact us at 615-529-2955 for complete network installation instruc tions & advice.



Lifeline Assistance Program Lifeline Service is a federal program for low income households and qualified residential recipients. Lifeline Assistance is available to cus tomers who have an annual household income at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines for a household of its size OR who participate in any of the following low-income assistance programs: • Medicaid • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Lifeline Service includes a monthly discount for basic phone or broad band charges. Only one discount is available per household. Lifeline is non-transferable. Additional information on Lifeline Assistance is available at or by calling your local office at 615 529-2955. Carthage Area customers call 615-588-1277. Affordable Connectivity Program The Affordable Connectivity Program is a federal government bene fit program operated by the FCC that helps ensure that households can afford the broadband they need for work, school, healthcare and more. The benefit provides a discount toward internet service for eligi ble households. The Affordable Connectivity Program is non-transfer rable and limited to one monthly service discount per household. If the program ends, or when a household is no longer eligible, subscribers will be subject to DTC’s standard internet rates and terms. A household is eligible for the Affordable Connectivity Program if a member of the household meets at least one of the criteria below: • Has an income that is at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines; • Participates in certain assistance programs, such as SNAP, Medic aid, Federal Public Housing Assistance, SSI, WIC, or Lifeline; • Participates in the National School Lunch Program or the School Breakfast Program, including through the USDA Community Eligi bility Provision; • Received a Federal Pell Grant during the current award year; • Meets the eligibility criteria for a participating provider’s existing low-income internet program. • Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA) • Veterans and Survivors Pension Benefit

Eligible households must both apply for the program and contact a participating provider to select a service plan. Additional information on Affordable Connectivity Program is available at: . 988 Suicide Prevention Lifeline The FCC adopted rules to establish 988 as the three-digit, nationwide phone number to connect directly to the 988 Suicide and Crisis Life line. By calling or texting 988, you’ll connect with mental health pro fessionals with the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Veterans can press “1” after dialing 988 to connect directly to the Veterans Crisis Lifeline which serves our nation’s Veterans, service members, National Guard and Reserve members, and those who support them. For texts, Veterans should continue to text the Veterans Crisis Lifeline short code: 838255. Toll Limitation Service (TLS) Toll Limitation Service (TLS) support allows eligible consumers who wish to avoid incurring large long distance fees to choose toll blocking or toll control at tariffed rates.



Tennessee Relay Center Now you can dial 7-1-1 to reach the Tennessee Relay Center 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Tennessee callers who wish to reach people who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech disabled may dial 7-1-1 for assistance from the Tennessee Relay Center. Hearing callers may still dial 1-800-848-0299 and text telephone users may still dial 1-800-848-0298 . There is no charge for dialing 7-1-1 , and all options currently available to Tennes see Relay Center users through existing 800 numbers will continue to be available to 7-1-1 users. Here is how the Tennessee Relay Center works: a person who is deaf, hard of hearing or speech disabled types his/her conversation using a text telephone (TDD/TTY). A Tennessee Relay Center Communica tions Assistant (CA) relays the message by reading it to the hearing person at the other end. The CA then relays the hearing person’s spo ken words by typing them back to the TDD/TTY user. Each call is handled in strict confidence. No record of the conversation is kept. The Center is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and enables people to place relay calls between Tennessee and oth er locations anywhere in the United States and internationally to English-speaking persons. Also, people who have a speech disability can utilize a service called Speech-to-Speech (STS) Relay through the Tennessee Relay Center with his/her own voice synthesizer, rather than using a TDD/TTY. To access Speech-to-Speech, call 1-866-503-0264 . A NOTE TO ALL TENNESSEE RELAY USERS Please note that 7-1-1 is only to be used to reach the Tennessee Relay Center. For Emergencies you should continue to use 9-1-1 .

Special Rates For Persons With Qualifying Disabilities Residential subscribers whose impairment (limited to total blindness or loss of both hands) renders them unable to complete a call on a rotary dial phone may receive touch-tone service without recurring monthly charges. In addition, those who qualify may also be exempt from directory as sistance charges. Contact our office at 615-529-2955 for details. Car thage Area customers call 615-588-1277 . Telecommunications Devices Access Program (TDAP) This program, implemented by the Tennessee Regulatory Authority, will distribute appropriate telecommunications devices so that per sons who are deaf, deaf and blind, severely hard of hearing, severely hard of hearing and vision-impaired or severely speech-impaired may effectively use basic telephone service. Devices are issued on a first-come, first-served basis, without charge. However, there are certain qualifiers that may enable individuals to receive devices on a priority basis. Information on distribution, eligi bility requirements and qualifiers and an application may be found on the TRA website at devices-access-programs-tdap.html or by calling TRA at 1-800 342-8359 (V) or 1-888-276-0677 .



Recording Or Monitoring Phone Calls Anyone who records or monitors a phone conversation is required to make this known to all parties in the conversation. The party doing the monitoring must ask for the other person’s permission to record or monitor the conversation. When using the public utility telephone network: A. All parties in the conversation must consent to the conversations being recorded or monitored; and B. The monitoring or recording must be signaled by either: 1. a “beep tone” audible to all parties and repeated at regular intervals during the conversation; or 2. clearly and permanently marking the telephones being used that the conversation may be recorded without notice. Attachments To Telephone Equipment Attachments connected to the telephone company’s lines must be in compliance with company tariffs and Federal Communications Com mission regulations. Telephone Safety The telephone is one of the safest appliances in your home or office. There are, however, a few situations where a telephone user needs to be cautious. Use of the telephone near water The telephone should not be used while you are in the bathtub, show er or pool. Immersion of the telephone or handset in water could cause electrical shock.

Use of the telephone during an electrical storm You should avoid using a telephone during an electrical storm in your immediate area; calls of an urgent nature should be brief. There is

a remote risk of dangerous electrical shock from lightning when using the telephone during a nearby electrical storm. Use of the telephone to report a gas leak If you think you have found a gas leak, you should not use a telephone in the vicinity of the leak until the leak is repaired. The telephone contains electrical contacts that could gen

erate a tiny spark when you lift the handset and dial. While unlikely, it may be possible for this spark to trigger an explosion if the gas concentration is high enough.



Establishing Or Transferring Phone Service To establish or transfer residential or business phone service, please call 615-529-2955 . Carthage Area customers call 615-588-1277 . To enable us to process your order to establish phone service, we will need to know your complete address, and how you want to be listed in the directory. We also need to know about previous telephone service in your name, and other credit information. We will ask for identification, and a number where you can be reached either at work or through a friend or relative until your service is established. Your signature may be required on necessary documents. Installation Rates Installation rates will vary with the needs of your service. There are many steps involved in installing your phone service, but not every customer needs each step. The amount of work needed to install phone service for you will depend on the type of facilities and service you want. Deposit Policy Customers may be asked to pay a deposit to establish service. The amount of your deposit is determined when you apply for service. You Will Be Billed For Changes In Your Service Most changes require a service charge. The amount you are charged depends on the type of change requested. Consult your sales repre sentative for different services. Your Telephone Bill How You Are Billed Charges for local service and equipment are billed one month in ad vance. Long distance calls and repair charges are billed after they have been incurred.

How, When, & Where To Pay Your Bill Your payment is due upon receipt of your bill. Your payment is consid ered past due if not paid in accordance with terms stated on your bill. You can pay online at , mail your payment, pay by bank draft or credit card or pay your bill at your local service office. In addition, some of our area banks accept telephone bill payments*. You can save time if you use your payment portion of your bill when paying in person. There is a charge for each returned check.

Error On Your Bill You should always review your bill carefully. If you have a charge you’re not sure of or a question on your bill, call your local representa tive. Explain the possible error to the representative who will help you. If the error cannot be resolved, please pay the undisputed charges on time so you’ll maintain a good payment record while the problem is being investigated. Objections must be received by the Cooperative within thirty (30) days after the bill is rendered. Paying The Bill On Time So Your Service Will Not Be Disconnected If your payments are not received by the due dates, or you do not meet your mutually agreed upon payment arrangements, your tele phone service may be disconnected. How To Get Your Service Restored All past due charges must be paid before your service can be recon nected, and you will be charged a restoration fee. You may be asked to pay a deposit. * Must be paid five (5) days prior to due date.



Local Calling Area Calls between ALL prefixes in DTC’s local exchange area can be dialed toll free, with ten-digit dialing.




Extended Local Calling Area In addition to the above, subscribers in these exchanges can call toll free to landline phones located within the extended areas as shown below. Extended Area Service does NOT include calls to wireless phones, even though they may have the same prefix as some of these landline phones. Calls that qualify under this service can be dialed using ten digits. If you are required to dial 1+ (ten digits) to complete the call, toll charges will apply. DTC EXCHANGE EXTENDED AREA 273 MILTON Murfreesboro 286 NORENE Lebanon, Watertown 563 WOODBURY & 765 WOODLAND Centertown, Murfreesboro 683 GORDONSVILLE Carthage, Chestnut Mound For local calling information in Carthage Area call 615-588-1277 .

County Wide Calling DTC provides County Wide Calling which allows you to call without charge to other subscribers outside your local calling area, but within your county, by dialing 1+615+XXX+XXXX. Calls that do NOT qualify for County Wide Calling include those to and from pay phones, cellu lar phones, WATS lines, remote call forwarding numbers, Foreign Ex change service and 800 numbers. Other restrictions may apply, based on your intraLATA carrier’s calling plan. It should also be noted that many Internet Service Providers establish a Remote Call Forwarding number for access to their services. You should contact your carrier for details concerning any County Wide Calling inquiries. Metro Area Calling DTC provides Metro Area Calling to subscribers located in counties which are contiguous to Davidson County. This means that DTC subscribers located in Rutherford or Wil son Counties get toll free calling to AT&T’s Metro landline exchanges. Calls should be dialed using ten digits. Metro

Exception To The Above Calling Plans With Local Number Portability and Number Pooling having been im plemented, there may be exceptions to the plans. Number porting and number pooling allow DTC numbers to be assigned through other local service providers in certain cases. When this happens, the calling plan for that carrier, rather than the DTC plan, applies. Likewise, numbers may be ported into DTC from other local service providers, in which case the DTC local calling plan would replace that of the previous service provider. Local Number Portability and Number Pooling can also affect calls dialed by DTC subscribers. If the number you are calling has been ported or pooled, it may or may not be a local call. Please call DTC or your local toll carrier for specific questions.

Tennessee Area Code Map

Area Calling does NOT apply to wireless phones and other carriers, even though they may have the same prefix as AT&T’s landline. Any dialed number requir ing eleven digit dialing may have charges incurred.



Long Distance service within a specific geographic area, re ferred to as the Local Access Transport Area or LATA, is provid ed by the local toll carrier unless you have specified a different intralata carrier. This map reflects the Nashville LATA, com prised of counties in the 615, 629, and 931 area codes. For calls terminating outside the Nashville LATA, you must choose another long distance carrier, referred to as your Pre subscribed Interexchange Carrier, or PIC. If you wish to change your interexchange carrier, you may do so by contacting our business office. There will be a charge for changing carriers af ter you have made your initial selection. You may also choose to freeze your PIC choice to eliminate the possibility of being switched to another carrier without your authorization. You may access the long distance company you have selected by dialing 1 + or 0 + the telephone number for calls outside the LATA. A list of long distance companies that are available to DTC Communications customers may be obtained by contact ing our business office. Questions regarding these companies’ rates and services can be answered by contacting the long dis tance companies directly. You may also make calls using a long distance company other than the one you have selected to handle your 1 + calls by dial ing the appropriate seven-digit access code (101XXXX) for that company. You will need to establish an account with each long distance company you wish to use. Each long distance compa ny can provide you with their five-digit access code.



Direct Distance Dialing Direct dial if you wish to talk with anyone who answers. Rates for calls that you dial yourself are lower than for calls dialed by the operator. Charging begins when the called telephone is answered in person or by an automatic answering machine. ➤ To call within or outside your area code dial 1 + Area Code + Telephone Number Credit For Wrong Numbers And Poor Connections To reach an operator directly in your LATA if you - reach a wrong number, need assistance, are cut off, etc .... Dial “0” To reach your long distance company’s operator if you - reach a wrong number, need assistance, are cut off, etc .. Dial “00” Not all long distance companies will choose to offer operator ser vices. Contact your long distance company for more information.

Long Distance Directory Assistance ➤ For local numbers within your local LATA not found in this directory dial ..................................................................................... 1+411 ➤ Directory Assistance calls outside Area Code 615/629/931 will be handled and billed by the long distance company you have selected for your 1 + long distance calls outside DTC’s service area. Please contact your long distance company for their directory assistance rates. ➤ You will be charged for most calls to directory assistance. ➤ There is no charge for 800 Directory Assistance ➤ Area Code Information .................................... See pages 14-20 or dial ...................................................................... OPERATOR Rate Discount And Application Periods Rate discounts and application periods vary according to carriers. You should check with your IntraLATA carrier for information on calls to the 615, 629 and 931 area, and your interexchange carrier for information on all calls to other areas. Toll Free Calls You can call free to telephone numbers which are preceded by Zenith, Enterprise or area code “800” and “888, 877, 866, 855, 844, 833.” Dial the operator and ask for the Zenith or Enterprise number. Dial “800” and “888, 877, 866, 855, 844, 833” numbers direct.


Please Dial the Area Code on all Long Distance Calls.



Collect, Calling Card And Calls Charged To Another Number

Operator Assisted Dialing Collect or Person-to-Person calls, calls charged to another number or to a Calling Card, calls placed from coin phones or from hotel guest phones, or calls for which Time and Charges are requested are Operator Assisted calls. Higher rates apply to station calls dialed by the operator, Collect or Person-to-Person calls, calls billed to a Calling Card or to another number. Collect or Person-To-Person, Calling Card, Third Number Billed and Time and Charges: ➤ To call within your area code dial.....................................0 + Area Code + Telephone Number ➤ To call outside your area code dial.....................................0 + Area Code + Telephone Number Calling Card Service: ➤ From Touchtone Phones please refer to the back of your calling card. ➤ From Rotary Dial phones dial.....................................0 + Area Code + Telephone Number (give Operator your Calling Card Number) Person-To-Person Calls Place the call with the operator if you wish to talk to a particular per son or extension. Charging starts when the conversation begins with the extension phone, the person called or anyone else agreed upon. Rates are highest for Operator Assisted Person-to-Person calls.

Call Collect if the person or firm you are calling agrees to pay the charge. You can also bill calls to your Calling Card or to another number. Place these calls with the operator. Operator Assisted rates apply. Mobile-Air-Land-Marine Calls You can make calls to autos, trucks, trains, aircraft or boats equipped for telephone service. Dial the operator and ask for the Mobile Service Operator or the Marine Operator unless you’ve been instructed otherwise.

Please Dial the Area Code on all Long Distance Calls. +0


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