


Your local and long distance services cannot be disconnected for non-payment of 900 charges; however, failure to pay legitimate 900 charges may result in your access to 900 services being involuntarily blocked. The long distance carrier(s) or information provider(s) may proceed with outside collections against you for non-payment of these charges. Voluntary blocking of access to 900 services may be available. You have a right not to be billed for pay-per-call service not offered in compliance with the federal laws and regulations established under the Telephone Disclosure and Dispute Resolution Act of 1992. Your local telephone company may be a billing entity for the long dis- tance carriers and the information providers that furnish 900 pay-per- call services. As a billing entity for these services, we have certain rights and responsibilities as it relates to 900 pay-per-call service. Upon receipt of a billing error notification, a written acknowledgement will be sent to the customer within 40 days of receiving the customer’s notice which will advise that they need not pay the disputed amount pending an investigation. However, if billing error is corrected and the customer’s account credited, if applicable, within the 40 day period, no written acknowledgement is required. If it is determined that a billing error occurred, it will be corrected and the account credited within two (2) billing cycles. The customer will be notified of the correction. If it is determined that a billing error did not occur, an explanation will be provided to the customer outlining why it was determined no billing error occurred. If requested by the cus- tomer, the billing entity will provide a written explanation with sufficient documentation to support the charges due from the customer. The billing entity is obligated to forfeit any disputed amount up to $50.00 per transaction if they fail to follow the billing and collection procedures set forth in federal law and regulation. Telephone Company’s Rights & Obligations: Local or long distance service may not be disconnected for non-pay- ment of 900 charges. The Telephone Company may either on its own initiative or at the re- quest of the interexchange carrier or information provider, block your access to 900 services if you fail to pay legitimate charges. Upon customer request and where technically feasible, 900 blocking will be provided at a fee approved by law or regulation. Carrier’s Procedures in Response to Customer’s Notification of Billing Error:

This information sets out the rights and obligations of you, the Tele- phone Company and the Interexchange Carriers with regard to the use, purchase and billing of 900 pay-per-call services. This informa- tion is being provided under the Federal Telephone Disclosure and Dispute Resolution Act of 1992. Customer’s Procedures for Notice of Billing Error: Provide either written or oral notice to the Carrier listed on the 900 bill page where the alleged billing error appears within 60 days from the date it appears on your bill. Oral notification of an alleged billing error is considered sufficient notification. Notice includes the following: ➤ customer name and telephone number charges were billed to; the date, amount and type of error you believe occurred; a brief description of why you believe the billing to be in error.

Customer’s Rights & Obligations You have the right to withhold payment of the disputed charges for 900 services that you have reported as billing errors pending the resolu- tion of a billing review; no collection activity will occur during the billing review and the disputed amount will be suspended pending the reso- lution of the billing review; you will not be charged for a billing review. If the billing review determines that a billing error has occurred, your account will be adjusted appropriately, even if it was a partial error or an error different from the one you reported. If the billing review de- termines that no billing error has occurred, you will receive an expla- nation outlining why it was determined that no billing error occurred. You will be notified, in writing or with the next billing statement, of the payment date for that portion of the disputed amount that has been determined not to be in error. Your payment may be made with your normal billing.



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