

Liability of Utility The telephone company has tariff rules dealing with the limitation of its liability in connection with errors and omissions relating to tele- phone service. These rules do not apply to situations involving willful misconduct, fraudulent conduct or violations of law. There are special provisions dealing with gross negligence. If an error or omission has been made by the telephone directory, you may be entitled to relief un- der these tariff provisions. In many instances, you may be eligible for a credit allowance in accordance with tariff rules. This information notice summarizes the provisions of such rules. For complete information on the tariff provisions, please contact the service office. General Subscriber Services Tariff Under the General Subscriber Services Tariff, Selective class of calling screening service will be established only where operator identifica- tion is provided through the use of automated equipment arranged to furnish this service, or data is stored in a Line Information Data Base (LIDB) maintained for this purpose. DTC cannot guarantee one hun- dred percent (100%) restriction of collect, calling card, or third party calls due to limited carrier access to all databases. Interruption of Service The specific form of rule applicable to interruptions in exchange telephone service is as follows: The utility shall allow, for interruptions in exchange telephone service of 24 hours or more not due to conduct of the customer, an amount equal to the fixed monthly charges for exchange service multiplied by the ratio of days of interruption to thirty days. When interruptions con- tinue beyond 24 hours, credit allowance will be given in successive 24 hour multiples. Similar but not identical provisions apply to private line and other telephone services. For details of provisions covering allowances for interruption in such services you should call your service office. Directory Errors The vast majority of all directory listings are correct. But, as with any job of this size, some errors are bound to occur. If your listing in the directory is incorrect, it cannot be changed until the next edition of the directory is issued. In the meantime, we can make sure the listing is correct in Directory Assistance records. In some cases it is possible for calls to an incorrect number to be rerouted to the correct number. To arrange this, call your telephone business office. The number is in the front of your telephone directory. Your sales representative will be happy to help.

For errors or omissions in listings or advertisements in telephone directories, allowances are provided as follows: A. For listings in telephone directories furnished at additional charge, an amount not in excess of the charge for the listing during the effective life of the directory in which the error or omission occurred. B. For advertisements in classified directories, an amount based upon pro rata abatement of the charge in such degree as the error or omission affected the advertisement. Warning The law of Tennessee provides that any person who fails to relinquish a telephone party line or a public-pay telephone when informed that such a line is needed for an emergency call to a fire department, or for medical aid or ambulance service, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Such law also provides that any person who shall secure a telephone party line or a public-pay telephone by falsely stating that such line is needed for an emergency call is guilty of a misdemeanor. Customer Privacy Rights Federal Law protects your privacy rights as a customer of DTC Com- munications. These rights are in addition to existing safeguards that DTC Communications (DTC) already has in place to ensure one’s pri- vacy rights. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires DTC to notify all subscribers of their rights to restrict the use of their Customer Propriety Network Information (CPNI). You have the right, and DTC has the duty, under federal law, to protect the confidentiality of your CPNI. WHAT IS CPNI? CPNI is information you might consider private and therefore wish for DTC to protect. CPNI is information DTC possesses solely due to the customer-carrier relationship that is necessary for DTC to serve your telecommunications needs.

WHAT ARE EXAMPLES OF CPNI? Examples of CPNI include DTC knowledge of the types of services to which you subscribe such as Caller ID, the quantity of your calls or the amount of your long dis- tance bill or a list of phone num- bers you have called. In other words, information about when, where and how often you use our telecommunications services.


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