How To Reach Us
Cable Location – Call us Before you Dig
B efore you dig in areas where telephone cables are buried, please call our repair service first at 1-888-336-4466 or the Arkansas One Call System at 811 or 1-800-482-8998 where the personnel will locate any cables in the area free of charge. A cut cable causes trouble, added costs and service blackouts. The calls and conversations you cut off can be someone with a health emergency trying to get aid, someone trying to reach the fire or police department or a customer with an important business call.
The costs of repairing a cable you damage could be billed to you!
Repair Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888-336-4466 Directory Assistance – 411 Dial 411 to receive any number anywhere in America and Canada and get connected. 411 is the only number you need to know. You can also visit to find contact information.
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